Source code for sapien.sensor.depth_processor

# by Xiaoshuai Jet Zhang <>, Ang Li, Jan 2023
# v2023.01.23
# CPU Depth simulation toolkit.
# Please run:
#  1. `pip3 install --upgrade pip`
#  2. `pip3 install opencv-contrib-python scipy open3d`
# before using this package.

from typing import Optional, Tuple

import numpy as np
import cv2

[docs]def pad_lr(img: np.ndarray, ndisp: int) -> np.ndarray: padding = np.zeros((img.shape[0], ndisp), dtype=np.uint8) return np.concatenate([padding, img, padding], axis=1)
[docs]def unpad_lr(img: np.ndarray, ndisp: int) -> np.ndarray: return img[:, ndisp: -ndisp]
[docs]def sim_ir_noise( img: np.ndarray, scale: float = 0.0, blur_ksize: int = 0, blur_ksigma: float = 0.03, speckle_shape: float = 398.12, speckle_scale: float = 2.54e-3, gaussian_mu: float = -0.231, gaussian_sigma: float = 0.83, seed: int = 0 ) -> np.ndarray: """ Simulate IR camera noise. Noise model from Landau et al. Simulating Kinect Infrared and Depth Images :param img: Input IR image :param scale: Scale for downsampling & applying gaussian blur :param blur_ksize: Kernel size for gaussian blur :param blur_ksigma: Kernel sigma for gaussian blur :param speckle_shape: Shape parameter for speckle noise (Gamma distribution) :param speckle_scale: Scale parameter for speckle noise (Gamma distribution) :param gaussian_mu: mu for additive gaussian noise :param gaussian_sigma: sigma for additive gaussian noise :param seed: random seed used for numpy :return: Processed IR image """ h, w = img.shape if scale > 0: # downsampling (to emulate soft intensity) inter = cv2.INTER_BICUBIC if scale > 1 else cv2.INTER_LANCZOS4 img = cv2.resize(img, (int(w * scale), int(h * scale)), interpolation=inter) if blur_ksize > 0: img = cv2.GaussianBlur(img, (blur_ksize, blur_ksize), blur_ksigma) img = cv2.resize(img, (w, h), interpolation=cv2.INTER_CUBIC) rng = np.random.default_rng(seed) img = img.astype(np.float) # speckle noise img = img * rng.gamma(shape=speckle_shape, scale=speckle_scale, size=img.shape) # gaussian noise img = img + gaussian_mu + gaussian_sigma * rng.standard_normal(img.shape) # renormalize img[img < 0] = 0 img[img > 255] = 255 img = img.astype(np.uint8) return img
[docs]def depth_post_processing(depth: np.ndarray, ksize: int = 5) -> np.ndarray: try: import scipy.signal except ModuleNotFoundError: raise Exception("scipy is required for the CPU depth sensor. Please install with `pip install scipy`") depth = scipy.signal.medfilt2d(depth, kernel_size=ksize) return depth
[docs]def get_census(img: np.ndarray, wsize:int = 7) -> np.ndarray: h, w = img.shape assert wsize % 2 == 1 whalf = wsize // 2 center = img[whalf: h - whalf, whalf: w - whalf] census = np.zeros((h - 2 * whalf, w - 2 * whalf), dtype=np.uint8) offsets = [(u, v) for v in range(wsize) \ for u in range(wsize) if not u == v == whalf] for u, v in offsets: census = (census << 1) \ | (img[v: v + h - 2 * whalf, u: u + w - 2 * whalf] >= center) ret = np.zeros((h, w), dtype=np.uint8) ret[whalf: -whalf, whalf: -whalf] = census return ret
[docs]def calc_disparity( imgl: np.ndarray, imgr: np.ndarray, method: str, *, ndisp: int = 128, min_disp: int = 0, use_census: bool = True, census_wsize: int = 7 ) -> np.ndarray: """ Calculate disparity given a rectified image pair. :param imgl: Left image :param imgr: Right image :param method: SGBM or BM :param ndisp: max disparity :param min_disp: min disparity :return: disparity """ if use_census: imgl = get_census(imgl, census_wsize) imgr = get_census(imgr, census_wsize) imgl = pad_lr(imgl, ndisp) imgr = pad_lr(imgr, ndisp) if method == 'SGBM': window_size = 7 matcherl = cv2.StereoSGBM_create( minDisparity=min_disp, numDisparities=ndisp, blockSize=window_size, P1=8 * 1 * window_size ** 2, P2=32 * 1 * window_size ** 2, disp12MaxDiff=1, # Left-Right Consistency Check uniquenessRatio=10, speckleWindowSize=100, speckleRange=1, mode=cv2.STEREO_SGBM_MODE_HH ) elif method == 'BM': matcherl = cv2.StereoBM_create( numDisparities=ndisp, blockSize=7 ) else: raise NotImplementedError(f'Not implemented: {method}') displ = matcherl.compute(imgl, imgr) displ = unpad_lr(displ, ndisp).astype(np.float32) / 16.0 return displ
[docs]def init_rectify_stereo( w: int, h: int, kl: np.ndarray, kr: np.ndarray, rt: np.ndarray, distortl: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, distortr: Optional[np.ndarray] = None ) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: """ Initiate parameters needed for rectification with given camera parameters. :param w: width of the image :param h: height of the image :param kl: Left intrinsic matrix :param kr: Right intrinsic matrix :param rt: Extrinsic matrix (left to right) :param distortl: Left distortion coefficients :param distortr: Right distortion coefficients :return map1: Map for left camera :return map2: Map for right camera :return q: Perspective transformation matrix (for cv2.reprojectImageTo3D) """ r1, r2, p1, p2, q, _, _ = cv2.stereoRectify( R=rt[:3, :3], T=rt[:3, 3:], cameraMatrix1=kl, cameraMatrix2=kr, alpha=1.0, imageSize=(w, h), newImageSize=(w, h), distCoeffs1=distortl, distCoeffs2=distortr ) map1 = cv2.initUndistortRectifyMap(kl, distortl, r1, p1, (w, h), cv2.CV_32F) map2 = cv2.initUndistortRectifyMap(kr, distortr, r2, p2, (w, h), cv2.CV_32F) return map1, map2, q
[docs]def calc_rectified_stereo_pair( imgl: np.ndarray, imgr: np.ndarray, map1: np.ndarray, map2:np.ndarray ) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: """ Rectify an image pair with given camera parameters. :param imgl: Left image :param imgr: Right image :param map1: Map for left camera :param map2: Map for right camera :return imgl_rect: Rectified left image :return imgr_rect: Rectified right image """ assert imgl.shape == imgr.shape imgl_rect = cv2.remap(imgl, *map1, cv2.INTER_LINEAR) imgr_rect = cv2.remap(imgr, *map2, cv2.INTER_LINEAR) return imgl_rect, imgr_rect
[docs]def calc_depth_and_pointcloud( disparity: np.ndarray, mask: np.ndarray, q: np.ndarray, no_pointcloud: bool = False ) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, object]: # object is o3d.geometry.PointCloud """ Calculate depth and pointcloud. :param disparity: Disparity :param mask: Valid mask :param q: Perspective transformation matrix :param no_pointcloud: :return depth: Depth :return pointcloud: Pointcloud """ try: import open3d as o3d except ImportError: raise Exception('open3d is required for CPU depth sensor. Please install with `pip3 install open3d`') _3d_image = cv2.reprojectImageTo3D(disparity, q) depth = _3d_image[..., 2] depth[~mask] = 0 depth[np.isinf(depth)] = 0 depth[np.isnan(depth)] = 0 depth = depth_post_processing(depth) * mask _3d_image[..., 2] = depth if no_pointcloud: pointcloud = None else: points = _3d_image.reshape(-1, 3) valid_flag = mask.reshape(-1) valid_points = [] for i, point in enumerate(points): if valid_flag[i]: valid_points.append(point) valid_points = o3d.utility.Vector3dVector(np.array(valid_points)) pointcloud = o3d.geometry.PointCloud(points=valid_points) return depth, pointcloud
[docs]def calc_main_depth_from_left_right_ir( ir_l: np.ndarray, ir_r: np.ndarray, l2r:np.ndarray, l2rgb: np.ndarray, k_l: np.ndarray, k_r: np.ndarray, k_main: np.ndarray, map1: np.ndarray, map2:np.ndarray, q: np.ndarray, method: str = 'SGBM', ndisp: int = 128, use_noise: bool = False, use_census: bool = True, register_depth: bool = True, register_blur_ksize: int = 5, main_cam_size=(1920, 1080), census_wsize=7, **kwargs ) -> np.ndarray: """ Calculate depth for rgb camera from left right ir images. :param ir_l: left ir image :param ir_r: right ir image :param l2r: Change-of-coordinate matrix from left camera's frame to right camera's frame (in OpenCV coordinate system) :param l2rgb: Change-of-coordinate matrix from left camera's frame to RGB camera's frame (in OpenCV coordinate system) :param k_l: left intrinsic matrix :param k_r: right intrinsic matrix :param k_main: rgb intrinsic matrix :param map1: Left map for rectification :param map2: Right map for rectification :param q: Perspective transformation matrix (for cv2.reprojectImageTo3D) :param method: method for depth calculation (SGBM or BM) :param use_noise: whether to simulate ir noise before processing :return depth: calculated depth """ assert ir_l.shape == ir_r.shape w, h = main_cam_size if not np.allclose(l2r[:3, :3], np.eye(3), atol=1e-6): raise RuntimeError("extrinsics contain rotation") if not (np.sum(l2r[1:3, 3] ** 2) < 2e-4): raise RuntimeError(f"extrinsics contain translation {l2r[:3, 3]}") if use_noise: ir_l, ir_r = sim_ir_noise(ir_l, **kwargs), sim_ir_noise(ir_r, **kwargs) ir_l, ir_r = calc_rectified_stereo_pair(ir_l, ir_r, map1, map2) disp = calc_disparity( ir_l, ir_r, method, ndisp=ndisp, use_census=use_census, census_wsize=census_wsize ) valid_mask = disp >= 1 depth, _ = calc_depth_and_pointcloud(disp, valid_mask, q, no_pointcloud=True) depth[np.isnan(depth)] = 0 depth[np.isinf(depth)] = 0 depth[depth < 0] = 0 if register_depth: try: depth = cv2.rgbd.registerDepth( k_l.astype(np.float), k_main.astype(np.float), None, l2rgb.astype(np.float), depth, (w, h), depthDilation=True) except AttributeError: raise Exception("opencv-contrib-python is required for the CPU depth sensor. Please install with `pip install opencv-contrib-python`") depth[np.isnan(depth)] = 0 depth[np.isinf(depth)] = 0 depth[depth < 0] = 0 if register_blur_ksize > 0: depth = cv2.medianBlur(depth, register_blur_ksize) return depth