Source code for sapien.sensor.activelight

from ..core import (
from .depth_processor import (
from .sensor_base import SensorEntity
from typing import Optional, Tuple
from copy import deepcopy as copy
from warnings import warn

import os
import numpy as np

[docs]class ActiveLightSensor(SensorEntity): def __init__( self, sensor_name: str, renderer: IPxrRenderer, scene: Scene, sensor_type: Optional[str] = 'd415', rgb_resolution: Tuple[int, int] = None, ir_resolution: Tuple[int, int] = None, rgb_intrinsic: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, ir_intrinsic: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, trans_pose_l: Optional[Pose] = None, trans_pose_r: Optional[Pose] = None, light_pattern: Optional[str] = None, max_depth: float = 10.0, min_depth: float = 0.2, ir_ambient_strength: float = 0.002, ir_light_dim_factor : float = 0.05, ): """ :param sensor_name: Name of the sensor. :param renderer: Renderer used in the scene. :param scene: Scene that the sensor is attached to. :param sensor_type: If this is set, all the parameters below will be omitted. Supported sensor types: ['d415'] :param rgb_resolution: Resolution of the RGB camera (width x height). :param ir_resolution: Resolution of the infrared cameras (width x height). :param rgb_intrinsic: Intrinsic matrix of the RGB camera (OpenCV coordinate system). :param ir_intrinsic: Intrinsic matrix of the infrared cameras (OpenCV coordinate system). :param trans_pose_l: Relative pose of the left infrared camera to the RGB camera. :param trans_pose_r: Relative pose of the right infrared camera to the RGB camera. :param light_pattern: Path to active light pattern file. Use RGB modality if set to None. :param max_depth: Maximum valid depth (non-inclusive) in meters. :param min_depth: Minimum valid depth in meters. :param ir_ambient_strength: Strength of the active light. :param ir_light_dim_factor: Final light strength will be timed by ir_light_dim_factor. """ super().__init__() warn("It is highly recommended to use the StereoDepthSensor class instead of this one when CUDA " "is available, as it offers more extensive functions and operates in real-time.") self.light_pattern = ( os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "assets/patterns/d415.png") if light_pattern is None else light_pattern ) = sensor_name self.renderer = renderer self.scene = scene self.pose = None self.mount = self.scene.create_actor_builder().build_kinematic(name=f'{sensor_name}_mount') self.alight = self.scene.add_active_light( pose=Pose([0, 0, 0]), color=[0, 0, 0], fov=1.57, tex_path=self.light_pattern) self.set_pose(Pose()) if sensor_type: self._set_sensor_parameters(sensor_type) else: self.rgb_w, self.rgb_h = rgb_resolution self.ir_w, self.ir_h = ir_resolution self.rgb_intrinsic = rgb_intrinsic self.ir_intrinsic = ir_intrinsic self.trans_pose_l = trans_pose_l self.trans_pose_r = trans_pose_r self.light_pattern = light_pattern self.max_depth = max_depth self.min_depth = min_depth self._create_cameras() self.ir_ambient_strength = ir_ambient_strength self.ir_light_dim_factor = ir_light_dim_factor self._rgb = None self._ir_l = None self._ir_r = None self._depth = None self._pc = None # Initialize variables that depth sensor depends on ex_l = self._pose2cv2ex(self.trans_pose_l) ex_r = self._pose2cv2ex(self.trans_pose_r) ex_main = self._pose2cv2ex(self.pose) self._l2r = ex_r @ np.linalg.inv(ex_l) self._l2rgb = ex_main @ np.linalg.inv(ex_l) self._map1, self._map2, self._q = init_rectify_stereo( self.ir_w, self.ir_h, self.ir_intrinsic.astype(float), self.ir_intrinsic.astype(float), self._l2r.astype(float) )
[docs] def clear_cache(self): self._rgb = None self._ir_l = None self._ir_r = None self._depth = None self._pc = None
[docs] def take_picture(self): """ Note: we expect one scene.update_render() call before calling take_picture(). """ self.clear_cache() self.cam_rgb.take_picture() self._ir_mode() self.scene.update_render() self.cam_ir_l.take_picture() self.cam_ir_r.take_picture() self._normal_mode() self.scene.update_render()
[docs] def set_pose(self, pose: Pose): self.pose = pose self.mount.set_pose(pose) self.alight.set_pose(pose) self.clear_cache()
[docs] def get_pose(self): return copy(self.pose)
[docs] def get_rgb(self): self._fetch('rgb') return copy(self._rgb)
[docs] def get_ir(self): self._fetch('ir_l') self._fetch('ir_r') return [copy(self._ir_l), copy(self._ir_r)]
[docs] def get_depth(self): if self._depth is None: self._fetch('ir_l') self._fetch('ir_r') depth = calc_main_depth_from_left_right_ir( self._float2uint8(self._ir_l), self._float2uint8(self._ir_r), self._l2r, self._l2rgb, self.ir_intrinsic, self.ir_intrinsic, self.rgb_intrinsic, self._map1, self._map2, self._q, main_cam_size=(self.rgb_w, self.rgb_h), ndisp=128, use_census=True, register_depth=True, census_wsize=7, use_noise=False ) depth[depth > self.max_depth] = 0 depth[depth < self.min_depth] = 0 self._depth = depth return copy(self._depth)
[docs] def get_pointcloud(self, frame='camera', with_rgb=False): assert frame in ['camera', 'world'] depth = self.get_depth() if frame == 'camera': xyz = self._depth2pts_np(depth, self.rgb_intrinsic) else: xyz = self._depth2pts_np(depth, self.rgb_intrinsic, self._pose2cv2ex(self.pose)) if with_rgb: self._fetch('rgb') xyz = np.concatenate([xyz, self._rgb.reshape(-1, 3)], axis=1) return xyz
def _create_cameras(self): self.scene.update_render() self.cam_rgb = self.scene.add_mounted_camera( f"{}", self.mount, Pose([0, 0, 0]), self.rgb_w, self.rgb_h, 0.78, 0.001, 100) self.cam_rgb.set_perspective_parameters( 0.1, 100.0, self.rgb_intrinsic[0, 0], self.rgb_intrinsic[1, 1], self.rgb_intrinsic[0, 2], self.rgb_intrinsic[1, 2], self.rgb_intrinsic[0, 1] ) self.cam_ir_l = self.scene.add_mounted_camera( f"{}_left", self.mount, self.trans_pose_l, self.ir_w, self.ir_h, 0.78, 0.001, 100) self.cam_ir_l.set_perspective_parameters( 0.1, 100.0, self.ir_intrinsic[0, 0], self.ir_intrinsic[1, 1], self.ir_intrinsic[0, 2], self.ir_intrinsic[1, 2], self.ir_intrinsic[0, 1] ) self.cam_ir_r = self.scene.add_mounted_camera( f"{}_right", self.mount, self.trans_pose_r, self.ir_w, self.ir_h, 0.78, 0.001, 100) self.cam_ir_r.set_perspective_parameters( 0.1, 100.0, self.ir_intrinsic[0, 0], self.ir_intrinsic[1, 1], self.ir_intrinsic[0, 2], self.ir_intrinsic[1, 2], self.ir_intrinsic[0, 1] ) def _set_sensor_parameters(self, sensor_type): if sensor_type == 'd415' or sensor_type == 'fakesense_j415': if sensor_type == 'fakesense_j415': warn('sensor_type "fakesense_j415" is deprecated. Please use the new name "d415".') self.rgb_w, self.rgb_h = (1920, 1080) self.ir_w, self.ir_h = (1280, 720) self.rgb_intrinsic = np.array([ [1380., 0., 960.], [0., 1380., 540.], [0., 0., 1.] ]) self.ir_intrinsic = np.array([ [920., 0., 640.], [0., 920., 360.], [0., 0., 1.] ]) self.trans_pose_l = Pose([0, -0.0175, 0]) self.trans_pose_r = Pose([0, -0.0720, 0]) self.light_pattern = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'assets/patterns/d415.png') self.max_depth = 10.0 self.min_depth = 0.2 else: assert False, f"Unsupported sensor type: {sensor_type}" def _ir_mode(self): if self.light_pattern is None: return else: self._light_d = {} for l in self.scene.get_all_lights(): self._light_d[l] = l.color l.set_color(l.color * self.ir_light_dim_factor) self._light_a = self.scene.ambient_light self.scene.set_ambient_light([self.ir_ambient_strength, 0, 0]) self.alight.set_color([1, 0, 0]) def _normal_mode(self): if self.light_pattern is None: return else: for l in self.scene.get_all_lights(): l.set_color(self._light_d[l]) self.scene.set_ambient_light(self._light_a) self.alight.set_color([0, 0, 0]) @staticmethod def _float2uint8(x): return (x * 255).clip(0, 255).astype(np.uint8) def _fetch(self, mod): if mod == 'rgb' and self._rgb is None: self._rgb = self.cam_rgb.get_color_rgba()[..., :3].clip(0, 1) elif mod == 'ir_l' and self._ir_l is None: self._ir_l = self.cam_ir_l.get_color_rgba()[..., 0].clip(0, 1) elif mod == 'ir_r' and self._ir_r is None: self._ir_r = self.cam_ir_r.get_color_rgba()[..., 0].clip(0, 1) @staticmethod def _pose2cv2ex(pose): ros2opencv = np.array([[0., -1., 0., 0.], [0., 0., -1., 0.], [1., 0., 0., 0.], [0., 0., 0., 1.]], dtype=float) return ros2opencv @ np.linalg.inv(pose.to_transformation_matrix()) @staticmethod def _get_pixel_grids_np(height, width): x_linspace = np.linspace(0.5, width - 0.5, width) y_linspace = np.linspace(0.5, height - 0.5, height) x_coordinates, y_coordinates = np.meshgrid(x_linspace, y_linspace) x_coordinates = np.reshape(x_coordinates, (1, -1)) y_coordinates = np.reshape(y_coordinates, (1, -1)) ones = np.ones_like(x_coordinates).astype(float) grid = np.concatenate([x_coordinates, y_coordinates, ones], axis=0) return grid @staticmethod def _depth2pts_np(depth_map, cam_intrinsic, cam_extrinsic=np.eye(4)): feature_grid = ActiveLightSensor._get_pixel_grids_np( depth_map.shape[0], depth_map.shape[1]) uv = np.matmul(np.linalg.inv(cam_intrinsic), feature_grid) cam_points = uv * np.reshape(depth_map, (1, -1)) r = cam_extrinsic[:3, :3] t = cam_extrinsic[:3, 3:4] r_inv = np.linalg.inv(r) world_points = np.matmul(r_inv, cam_points - t).transpose() return world_points